====== modprobe scx200_acb : probe failed ====== See this thread for solution: http://list.voyage.hk/pipermail/voyage-linux/2006-January/000567.html * In essense, scx200_acb scans two addresses, 0x820 and 0x840. However, the wrap boards use 0x810 and 0x820 as base addresses for their access busses. (0x820 is the one used by the lm77 sensor). * You should therefore provide the following line in /etc/modules: $ modprobe scx200_acb base=0x810,0x820 Previously it has been suggested to set this line to $ modprobe scx200_acb base=0x820,0 which will also get rid of the probe error, but which will disable the external access bus altogether. ====== 15 seconds delay before probe failed ====== * In 2.6.11 kernel or later, there is 15 seconds delay before probe fail. This is because the kernel code uses msleep(10) which is considered too long. 2.6.8 does not have this problem because it uses schedule_timeout(HZ/100+1). Voyage Linux kernel version 2.0-7 includes a patch to fix the 15 seconds delay for 2.6.12 and 2.6.14 kernel.