====== Temporary Customizations ====== Voyage customizations ((Why Temporary? Because stable 'voyage-0.2' will have a real [[Customization]] frame work)) are easy. This page will give you some pointers on how to customize your voyage image **before** writing it to your removable media (usually compact flash card). ** Terminology ** * ''host'' is your host computer system (desktop or laptop or whatever). * ''chroot'' is explained [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot_jail|here]].\\ When you ''chroot'' into the voyage directory, it is similar (but not exactly like) running the voyage on your embedded system (only it runs on your host system). ===== Preparations ===== * Download latest version of voyage (voyage-0.2pre2.tar.gz as of this writing) * as **root** ((You must be **root** for everything done on this page)), execute the following command: host# tar -xzvf voyage-0.2pre2.tar.gz ===== Configurations ===== * Some modifications are easier done on the host side, before **chroot**ing into the voyage image. * Edit ''ro/etc/resolv.conf'', to match your DNS servers.\\ The default ''resolv.conf'' contains: nameserver nameserver * Edit ''etc/apt/sources.list'', to add your preferred APT sources.\\ The default APT source is ''ftp://ftp.hk.debian.org/debian'', and adding a closer APT source will make your updating faster.\\ The default ''sources.list'' contains: deb ftp://ftp.hk.debian.org/debian/ sarge main deb http://security.debian.org/ sarge/updates main deb http://www.voyage.hk/dists/0.2 ./ You can leave the ''http://www.voyage.hk/dists/0.2'' and the ''http://security.debian.org/'' sources, but the ''ftp://ftp.hk.debian.org/debian/'' can be replaced with a closer mirror server (see [[http://www.debian.org/mirror/list|Debian mirror list]]). * Edit ''ro/etc/hostname'' to the desired hostname. * Create ''etc/hosts'' and add the following line:\\ (Replace ''hostname'' with your actual host name). hostname * Edit the ''etc/network/interfaces'', add you own configuration. * Edit the ''etc/dnsmasq.conf'' file to enable the DHCP server.\\ You must also create ''ro/var/lib'' directory for dnsmasq to work. dhcp-range=,,,1h dhcp-leasefile=/rw/var/lib/dnsmasq.leases ===== CHROOTing ===== * Before **chroot**ing, you must copy the content of ''ro'' directory into ''rw'' directory.\\ This is necessary to emulate the behavior of the voyage boot process.\\ Many files in ''etc'' & ''var'' directories are soft-links to the ''rw'' directory. host# cd voyage-0.2pre2 host# cp -r ro/* rw host# cd .. * Run **chroot**: host# chroot voyage-0.2pre2 * Mount the ''proc'' file system (this is done from **within** the chroot) chroot# mount -t proc none /proc * Your voyage image is now ready to run. ===== Things you can do inside the chroot ===== * Run ''apt-get update'' & ''apt-get upgrade'' to upgrade your voyage system.\\ **Note:** This might considerably enlarge your voyage image. * Run ''apt-get install [package]'' to install new packages. * Change the ''root'' password (simply run ''passwd'').\\ This is useful if (like me) you don't have a serial NULL cable, and the first time boot on my WRAP board hangs while waiting for a new password. * ===== Reducing the size of the image ===== (execute these from within the ''chroot'') * Install a package called ''localepurge'' (http://packages.debian.org/testing/admin/localepurge), and then run ''localepurge'' to free the locale information (This freed 16MB for me). chroot# apt-get install localepurge chroot# localepurge * Clean the local APT repository.\\ **Note:** Do this from the ''chroot'' (or you might damange your host system). chroot# apt-get clean chroot# echo > /etc/apt/sources.list chroot# apt-get update * To see the list of installed packages, sorted by size, run the following command: chroot# dpkg-query --showformat='${Status}\t${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' -W '*' | grep "^install ok" | cut -f2,3 | sort -n -k1 ===== Cleanups ===== * Before leaving the chroot, be sure to unmount the ''proc'' filesystem: chroot# umount /proc chroot# exit * Delete the content of the ''rw'' directory (it will be re-created when the voyage boots): host# rm -rf rw/*