Many people have asked how to make a CF card image. The basic premise is to format your CF card smaller than your target CF card. For example, if you have a 1GB card, you could format it to 200MB, install voyage, and then capture the card to an image file. You can then theoretically write this image to any card bigger than 200MB. The benefits of this method is that Windows users can write your CF card image with [[|Physdiskwrite]]. The default size for Voyage 0.5.2 on a formatted CF card appears to be around 73MB. It is up to you to decide how much extra room you may need in the future. The larger your image, the longer it will take to write it to a CF card. It may also possible to expand the image once it is on the card. I will try to document that later. You may want to erase a little more than your planned image size. This theoretically will ensure a cleaner image. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=250 Format your CF card. My CF card device is /dev/sdb. I have picked a size of 200MB. After the fdisk command is what you need to type into fdisk. sudo fdisk /dev/sdb o n p 1 +200M a 1 w Create an ext2 filesystem and turn off automatic fsck. sudo /sbin/mke2fs /dev/sdb1 sudo tune2fs -c 0 -L ROOT_FS /dev/sdb1 Install voyage like you would normally. cd voyage-0.5.2 sudo usr/local/sbin/voyage.update Boot the CF card in your device and make your customizations. Insert the CF card in your reader. If you want your ssh keys to be unique (recommended!) then you should mount your card and touch /voyage.1st. My device is /dev/sdb1 and my mount point is /media/cf. sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/cf sudo touch /media/cf/voyage.1st sudo umount /media/cf Read your card to an image file. Change count to your desired image size. dd if=/dev/sdb of=file.img bs=1MB count=200 You should now have a usable CF card image. To write this image to another card: dd if=file.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1MB In Windows you can use [[|Physdiskwrite]].